Christmas Chilli-Glazed Ham

Succulent & delicious!
Simple and easy, and perfect for the holiday season!
- 2kg boneless cooked ham
- 425g can pineapple slices
- 25g whole cloves
- 3/4 cup sweet chilli sauce
- Preheat the oven to 180°C.
- Using your fingers, gently pull the skin off the ham. Score the ham fat in a diamond pattern.
- Top with well drained pineapple slices, securing with toothpicks. Stud the pineapple with cloves.
- Place in a roasting pan and brush with half the chilli sauce. If the ham is to be served hot, cook for about 10 minutes per 500g. If the ham is to be served cold, cook at 180°C for about 45 minutes.
- Baste often during cooking with the remaining chilli sauce.